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What you post here is public. Keep in mind also the Acceptable Use Policy of our school. You may find it on the school website if you need to reread it. Our blog will be interesting and informative if everyone takes it seriously.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The book or the movie?

Many people like to watch movies whether it's funny, sad or scary. In general many people don't like reading books. So when it comes times for the movies to come have you already read the books or have you not read the books at all. Do you not watch the movie because the book's bad or do you not read the book because the movies bad. Put you choice below and state whether you think they should make more movies based off of books.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The new thing may be twitter but that doesn't mean that Facebook is any less than it always has been. Many people use Facebook in the right way, to stay connected with friends when you are apart, and to reconnect with friends who aren't as close as they once were. Many people don't abuse Facebook in a ridiculous way, while others sadly do. How do you think Facebook has effected and changed our way of communication? Do you think Facebook was a good invention in that it reconnects people, or do you dwell on the drama started by Facebook users and think that it isn't such a good thing?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Film critics

Write your opinion of your favorite film about Jesus (or any Bible story). Tell us the name of the film and why it is your favorite.


Most of us have had occasions to read someone's death notice (obituary). The notice usually includes a summary of the person's family, accomplishments, cause of death,  survived by, memorial etc. Write an obituary for Jesus if the style of a modern obituary.

Group work - good or bad?

Teachers are told that learning how to collaborate is one of the most valued skills wanted by the business and academic world. All of us have done group projects and it looks as though that is going to continue. What is the worst part of group projects? The best part? What has worked best for you - assigned groups, random groups, or being able to choose your friends? Explain.

This time of year....

Sophomore year started with some high expectations and plans. Now reality has set in. What is the hardest part of this time of year?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Fatherless choice #3

One of the reviewers of Fatherless called the characters noble and flawed. Explain this by using at least three characters from the story.