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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

True Statement

People always say how they are better than everyone which is most definently UNTRUE. So why do people believe that they are? Idk. Maybe because they're really shallow, or have problems at home. But to make a long post short, "Matthew 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." Mainly because what goes around comes back around!!!!!!!


Rissa said...

Commenting on my own post it's sad i know. But cool and weird to others. Lol anyway this is a very true statement which is why i titled it that way.

D. Solomon =) said...

I think that problems at home can be a BIG reason that people try to act better than others,somethings might go on and people try to get themselves to be seen as a person that their not. So therefore they think and act like they are better. A person being shallow is the person only see peoples apperance and not whats really inside, who they really are. I mean this is only my opinion. other people might think its a differnt reason to why people act like that.

Mrs. T said...

I think Devon's comment is insightful. We really don't know why some people try to act in ways that are not their real selves and pretend to better than others. Pretend is the key word there; perhaps because on the inside their problems make them feel small and insecure that they need to act out on the outside to hide their true feelings. Does anyone know what I mean and perhaps can say it better?

Bottom line: we don't know what problems and issues people are dealing and we have to make sure we try not let unhappy people affect our moods.

McKinney C. said...

I agree completely with Devon. When a person is having problems at home, they tend to bring them along with them in a way to make others see that it is not their fault they are being so shallow more the fault of actions at home. I think when someone is being shallow, the best things to do isnt really to seek revenge, more to help that person through the rough time he/or she is facing and let them take a step back and see that they dont have to make it so obvious. I think when some people are having home bound issues, they tell EVERYONE. Some people act like they are wearing a neon sign above them flashing in big bold letters with all of their problems. I know from my own personal problems, the best thing is to only tell the people you know will care, and take the time to think about if that person you are telling has any worse problems that may make them not such a good person to tell at that time.

Breanna Batten said...

people r wierd its not me fault

Kaaayyy said...

I agree , but also don't really think the going on at home this is very true. Some people have very high selfesteem. They just do think the are better then everyone else because thats how they were raise sad to say it. They might have be raised spoiled and used to being the best and getting everything they wont especially when they are in grade school. But once i think you get into high school and your parents can't give you anything you want people with high selfesteem are going to but people down and think they are better then everyone else. It could also be true that they are having problems of their own and feel the need to put others down to make themselfs feel better. Which most girls do at times we are all guilt of it. But we can always try to be better and follow the words of Matthew 7:12

Shai said...

Some people really think that they are better than someone else... You reall cant say or do anything that will chamge their mind some people who do that dont like their self or other people treated them bad they think its okay to treat other people bad as long as you dont fall for it you will be okay you have to be reminded that nobody is better than you!

Jada said...

i think when people say they are better that someone they are trying to be a show off or that's their way of getting other people's attention. Personally i don't think no one is better than anyone becaus God made equall to each other. We also make mistakes just like each other. One other reason why a person might act like that they are better than you is because they are probably jealous of you which no one should be jelous of anyone. When someone thinks they are better than you you never know they might have some problems that they are hiding or just need a friend to sit down and tlk with. If a person feel as though they are better than you i know deep down inside that he or she knows that they are equal us.

Daejaa said...

I agree , I don't think nobody is better than anybody! we all are equal in God's eyes. I think people think they are better than people maybe because they have problems or need help with a situation and have no one to talk to, we never know. But this makes them boost their self esteem up, which sometimes can be a bad thing because it could get out of control. Once you start thinking you better than people , you would get looked at in a different way which isnt a good way. I think if you just be yourself everything will come naturally!