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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Group work - good or bad?

Teachers are told that learning how to collaborate is one of the most valued skills wanted by the business and academic world. All of us have done group projects and it looks as though that is going to continue. What is the worst part of group projects? The best part? What has worked best for you - assigned groups, random groups, or being able to choose your friends? Explain.


Lindsay T. said...

The worste part of group projects is that some people in your group do not always do the work they are asked to and then when the project is finished and their name is on it, they still get credit for doing the project when they really did nothing. The best part of group projects is that you don't have to do the whole thing yourself. You can divide up the parts of the project throughout your group members and then just put it all together when finished. It makes things a whole lot easier and a lot less stressful on yourself. The best thing that has worked for me this year was being able to work with who I wanted to. I like being able to pick who I want to work with because I know that person/s better than others in the class, I know they will do the work, and that we also get the work done and in the end our project always turns out good. Choosing who you want to work with is a lot easier because some people are just more comfortable working with people they get along with and like to work with than others, and I think that it will save the class from arguing or any other type of quarelsome that might breakout if the teacher chooses.

McKinney C. said...

I think that group work is both a good thing and a bad thing. I think it is a bad thing in that sometimes live Lindsay said people who tend to slack off on self assignments do that same thing in a group project not realizing/caring that it isn't just affecting their grade is affecting the grade of the whole group. I think that it is a good idea because it allows us to share our ideas with other people and have a second opinion rather than going to the teacher for our questions we have eachother to bounce ideas off of. When choosing groups, I sometimes wish that the teacher would do it only because I feel bad when leaving people out, but at the same time I think that it is the best idea for us to pick our own group because not everyone works the same and when we pick our own groups we know who works at our level and who doesn't. Also, I think picking our own groups is best because it stops from fighting in any way, and allows us to be with our friends and people we trust who will strive to get the best grade possible.

Andrea T said...
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Andrea T said...

I think that working in groups could go both ways. I like working in groups with my friends because we work well together but sometimes we don't have the say ideas. I will say that I think that some people use working in groups as a way to just talk and not really pay attention to the project. If you pick people you know you will work well with then that's a opportunity to get a good grade. I think we should keep working in groups because it shows all of our talents and skills and that's a big part of learning.

Kaaayyy said...

I think the worst part about working in groups is not everyone is putting in effort thats the whole group should be putting in. This creates drama in the group because if we are working with friends none of us want to tell a teacher that someone wasn't working as hard as they should be. They best part about working in groups to me is hearing all the ideas for different thing. Hearing about how everyone else sees the project and how they think is the best way to put the project together. Also to me working in group project helped me grow and talk to others and speak up with my different ideas. I met so many different people working in group projects. I do like being able to working with my friends because i feel like its easier because you know them and how they work. You also know how much they are willing to help that. I feel like thats better then working with random people nd it being awkward because you maybe not talk a lot. I know for me working with random is hard because i am so shy.

Quynh Nguyen said...
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Quynh Nguyen said...

I think working in a group can have both bad and good things. In my opinion, the worst parts of the group work are that people in the group don’t concentrate and focus in the topic; they always do something else while another people in the groups are discussing how to do the project together. Sometimes a lot of people don’t even do the works the groups ask them to do, they depend on another person in the group to do the work for them because they think that the group won’t leave the project like that, they will do everything to have the highest grade and when the project is finished, their names are still on it, too. They can get the same grade like another person in the groups even if they did nothing. Otherwise, people always says that they will do the part of the project that the groups allot them to do when they get home, but when the day of the project is coming, people claim that they forget about it and that make the whole group have to do it as fast as they can. That person don’t even know that just because of them that affect the whole group and that also make another people in the groups have to work harder and harder because the due day of the project is coming. The best of part of the group works are that people don’t have to do the entire project themselves; they can divide it with their friends and then when they finish, they can put all the part together. Working in the group makes people feel comfortable and more relaxing; they don’t have to much pressure to think about the projects themselves. People can have a lot of choices when they work in group and they can share the ideas to another person to make their project better. About me, I like to pick the person who I want to work with because that makes me feel happy and more pleasant. Also, I think picking our own group is the best idea in the world because you can know that who work harder in class and that make the whole group can finish the project on time. Working with the persons who I like to work with can make our friendship closer to each other and it will save us from fighting. We will have more time to focus on the project and get a good grade as possible.

kayla M. said...

The worst part about working in groups is that you have to count on others to get there part of the assignment done.At times tht can be very stressful, if not handling things in your on hand. The best part about working in a group is you dont have to do all the work yourself. Working in a group is the best way to learn team building and team work.Working in a group means you dont have to be so stress over all the work. The best thing that has worked for me is being able to pick my own groups and friends because you know who you can count on to get the job done. That way if you are not assigned with someone that will be lazy and not do there part. Plus picking your own groups you are picking people who your comfortable with, which is important. Its not a good environment to work in if you are not comfortable with the people you are in a group with. Picking your own group makes the process pleasant and more enjoyable.

Jada said...

The worst part about group projects is when people don't do their part. The best part is when all of ideas for the project is combined together because then it makes the final product come out creative and nice. Sometimes its nice to pick your own friends but its good to switch up like picking randomly or having the teacher choose your group. I say this because when you get older in the work world they most likely would choose randomly or have assigned groups. By doing this it is good practice to see your ability to work well with not just your friends but with other people. Sometimes when you work with things dnt always go well like you thought it would go.

brianna hughes said...

Doing group projects is a great tool for preparing towards the working world, but there are bad and good sides to it. The worst part of group projects is some people don't participate making you do more work that is not needed. This makes the project much harder. The best part is when everyone participates and projects become a lot simplier and stress free. I think what has worked best for me is when I get to choose my friends. Because I know that they all will contribute annd the project will actually be enjoyable. Even though I say this working in random groups is also helpful. This is so because some people won't participate and this helps you prepare for stress and pressure. I say this because in the real world not everyone is going to help out. You might have to do some work on your own.

ForeverNaye said...

I think group work could reflect in a good or bad manner. It could go good if you have a suppoting group. If you pick a group who you know your just going to joke around with, you won't get any work done. The only thing I don't like about group work is when you have a slacker who doesn't take interests into their part of the work. Maybe it can even be someone who thinks they know what their doing but ends up doing it wrong anyway. I think at the end of the day someone is still going to end up doing more than what anybody else is doing by the end of the project.

deja.d said...

The worst part about group projects is when you get assigned to a group, because in most cases for me I'm in a group with some people who don't want to work. I don't think its far to put people in groups because the teaher may not know who does work and who really doesn't. When its time to turn the work in the people or person who does the work is going to make sure its done and done correctly because they don't want to get a bad grade. The best part aboput getting group projects is when your able to pick your own group and you dont have to cram everything in because you had to do it alone. It is nice having help expecially dealing with the other classes and projects.

Anonymous said...

Working in a group is bittersweet for me. I like when i get to work with my friends because i feel like i get the job done quicker.I also like that we can all share our ideas together.Then their are situations where you are willing to work but others just wont contribute. Sometimes I get stuck doing all the work.

Taylore♥ said...

Group waork to me is a good thing and a bad thing. I really like doing group work but sometimes it gets more streesful than working by yourself because you have to depend on other people to do their part. I think letting us pick our groups is more effective than just randomly pairng us with people because you aalready know how they work and who's going to do what. I also think that letting us pick our own groups can be somewhat bad because someone always feels left out. Overall I like doing group work with my friends because there's no fighting over who has to do what and we already get along with one another.

Rissa said...

I believe working in groups is a great idea. 1. you won't be pressured with everyhting at once. 2. You have other people to help with things you can't do. 3. It helps those who arent very social, to get them social(if that made sense lol)and 4. Its so much fun! (well most of the time) LOL

Daejaa said...

I think that group work could be a good or a bad thing. The worst part of group work is that a member might take it for granted and think they might not have to do no work. Another bad reason is the person might not be as responsible to their work as much as you are. The best part I think about group work is you get to communicate more with your friends and get the work done faster. Also, because you won't have to do everything by yourself, sometimes it can be very fun. Being able to choose my friends I think is better because your more comfortable with them, and maybe its easier to talk to them and share more ideas. I like to pick the people I know that I can depend on and cooperate with. I like responsible people that will do their work and hand it in on time!