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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This time of year....

Sophomore year started with some high expectations and plans. Now reality has set in. What is the hardest part of this time of year?


Kaaayyy said...

I think the hardest part of the year was getting used to all the work we really would have to do. In freshman year we did learn and do normal work. But also our teachers were trying a lot more for us to get used to the school and teach us the traditions of prendie. This year we really needed to settle down and start working because it is very true that time flys! We are at the end of our sophomore year and i feel like we just ended the first week of school. I do not think anything else was really that hard. We have met everyone and i feel like our class are truly like sisters! It was just hard really buckling down and getting my head in the books. That is also very hard when there are so many fun things to do at prendie. I am always staying after school for different activities to do and i find it really hard to go home and down to study!

Quynh Nguyen said...

My hardest parts of sophomore year are that when I can’t understand what the teachers ask me to do in class and I have to spend a lot of times to translate my homework. Because I’m Asian, I wasn’t born here so I can’t hear English as fast as American people and English also is my second language. A lot of time I get in trouble because people talk too fast and I don’t even know what they mean; I scared to ask them again because I know that will annoying them. In class, sometime the teachers go with a lot of stuff and they teach the class works so quickly, I didn’t even know what I have to do now so I just stay there and when the class is over, I have to make an appointment with the teachers to make sure that they will be in school after eighth period, so they can explain to me what is going on in class. I feel like I’m out of track and become a loser, I feel sad because the teachers have to wait for me after school to teach and show me the works that we went over in class. But when I can know and understand what I have to do in class now, I promise with myself I have to study harder and harder to have a good grade to thank for my teachers because they spend a lot of time to explain everything carefully to me. And sophomore year doesn’t like freshman year, everything is hard and more difficult, if you want to get through, you have to put more effort and try to focus on your studying. Summer will start in a few weeks, which mean sophomore year is almost over, but that doesn’t mean I will neglect and forget about studying. I will try my best to concentrate even if that is my hardest part of the year because I want to get a good grade as I usually did until the end of the year is over.

kayla M. said...

The hardest part of sophomore year is that you are no longer a little freshman, trying to settle yourself in to highschool. Sophomore year means that you are now an official highschool student, in which the teachers now expect more from you.Overall i dont think that sophomore year was that hard, i do believe it required more of an effort than freshman year. Now that im at the end of my sophomore year, there is alot of things that need to be done before starting my junior year. Such as starting to prepare myself for college and preparing for the process. Now that I know what is required to be a true highschool, i will aim to be more ambitious and strive to be my best.

brianna hughes said...

The hardest part of sophmore year has been all the work. It makes you have to learn to schedule your time around all this work. If you don't have a plan or schedule the work will just keep piling up until you can't handle it anymore. All the projects, reading, and tests makes you have to even take time out of your weekend to accomplish it all. Sophmore year I have really learned that you can''t keep pushing off thing to the last minute. Also, I learned to deal with a lot more stress that occurs with all the work. Using my time wiely has been key in able to make it through this year. Taking time just to figure out whats happening for the next couple weeks has been very helpful. Sophmore year has been a major diffiult year compared to freshman year. I'm so glad its almost over. Also, they don't lie when its said that sophmore year is the hardest.

ForeverNaye said...

This time of the year, I honestly think is the most difficult. Its spring time and everyone wants to have fun, and start thinking about the summer. This is also the time of year everyone begins to slack off in their work. They think its the end of the year and we're done our work and all we have to worry about is exams. Which is partially true, but you should still try your best to keep all your grades up and projects due to date. Just to think we went all year doing work, so now should be the time you could think that you can finish these couple weeks up.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think that the whole year has been tough. Right now its difficult because some teachers are craming us with all of these end of the year projects. For me its not that the work is hard, its how much of it that we get. Exams are coming up soon, so alot of us will be focusing on that next. The good thing i get to look forward to is the summer.:)

Taylore♥ said...

I think that sophomore year is definately more challenging than freshman year. Espically right now because teachers are craming all these test and projects at the last minute. We just have so much homework evry night and that really stresses me out. I'm so glad this year is almost over I don't think I ever had this much homework in my life. Sophomore year by far is the hardest year ever.

Rissa said...

I think the hardest part of the year is making sure you keep your grades up. And ending the year with a BANG!!! We think we can slack off because the end of the year is approaching which isn't the case at all. So that's the hardest part of the year to me.

D. Solomon =) said...

I think the hardest part of this time of the year would be trying to stay focused. It starts to get warmer outside and every one forgets that they have school once Friday hits at 2:43. I try to think postive I say to myself that school is almost over, but yet I still hate doing ALL the homework the teachers give out because while they are assigning it this question always comes across my mind "were they ever teenagers?" but yes I know every teacher once was and they give us this work because they know we can do something with our selves when we get older. But I think once I get all my exams out the way the hard part will be over.