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Thursday, November 11, 2010

about teachers

What is the nicest/best thing a teacher has ever done for you?


Taylore♥ said...
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Anonymous said...
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Jada said...
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Lindsay T. said...

The nicest thing a teacher has done for me was in 8th grade when my dad was sick and in the hospital, if i was not able to get all my homework done she wouldn't mind because she knew it was a hard time for me and that i really was never home. i was either at the hospital visiting him or staying at friends houses. She would also help me study for my tests or asked me what happened if i did bad on one. She was very understanding and i appreciated everything she did for me during that rough time.

Rissa said...

The nicest thing a teacher has ever done for me, was... I was in middle school and, 7th grade to be exact. I needed to talk to someone almost anybody. And my science teacher Ms.Nester came and talked to me and i felt so loved and wanted. Every negative thing that people said to me just left the building.

kayla M. said...

The nicest thing that a teacher ever did for me was in 8th grade, when my math teacher talked to me about my problems and what it would be like to move on to highschool. My teacher was just always there for support, helped me with everything. If I didn't understand material she was always available to review. When my class had a big project due, she gave us time to work on it at school. My math teacher was a great source for support.

Minor, A. said...

The nicest thing a teacher has ever done for me was in 6th grade when my brother, who was my best friend, got locked up. I would come in to school crying and she would talk to me, and bring me in a lunch. I really needed that, and i really appreciated her just caring about how I felt. She treated me with respect. Things would be a lot different if it wasn't for her.

deja.d said...

The nicest thing a teacher has ever done for would be buy me lunch! Since about now until kindergarden me and my teacher were close. She was like an aunt that I never had. She took me out to dinner with a few other people. She also tought me things that I could never forget. For example she tought me how to step. She was one of the best teachers I had ever had.

Breanna Batten said...

help me work through my emotinonal issues

Quynh Nguyen said...
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Quynh Nguyen said...

The nicest thing a teacher has ever done for me was in 9th grade,when I just came to America.That was the first time, I left my home by myself and went to a new contry without my parents.Everything was new to me, and the peoples were talking to fast so I couldn't even understand what they were trying to say.But just only my history teacher can saw and understood my problem. When the period was over, she came to my seat and asked did I understand what she said in class?If not, I can come after school and she will help me out. She didn't yell or mean to me. And because of that, now I can understand English better.I appreciated everything she did for me.She was one of the best teacher I had ever had. I love her so much.

Taylore♥ said...

The nicest thing a teacher has done for me was make all these cards for me when I was in 1st grade when my dad had a stroke.It was really nice to know that techers really care about their students. At the time I didn't really know what was going on but she made me feel that everything was going to be okay. I'm very glad that I had a teacher so understanding. Without the support of her and my school I don't know how I would have made it through that situation.

brianna hughes said...
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brianna hughes said...

The nicest thing that a teacher ever did for me happened in 5th grade. It happened when I got my first semester grades back and the only subject that kept me from honors was math. So my homeroom teacher sat me down and talked to me about it, knowing that the math teacher was a hard. So my homeroom teacher told me that he believed in me and that knew I could acheive my goal. I think that just my homeroom teacher having belief in me was the nicest thing.