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Friday, November 19, 2010

Cruisin' Not Boozin'

On Tuesday, Nov. 16th, we had the annual Crusin' Not Boozin' assembly. In each assembly, speakers told their tragic stories and brought the message to us of how their mistakes affected them and their families. The stories at both assemblies were remarkable.

All of us have sat with speakers who survived from big errors like drinking, drugs, recklessness or big problems like eating diorders. Sometimes we don't even hear the speakers because we are so used to this kind of thing. But sometimes we do.

There really is no way to judge who is being helped by bringing these speakers to us. I hear with my adult ears. What do you hear with your younger ears? You know what I mean: does it help to listen to survivors?


Rissa said...

I believe that it affected a lot of people in the audience. Even though the guy was innocent in the matter the gentlemen that hit him must still feel guilty about everything.

ForeverNaye said...

I think by listening to someones elses story can really help you make your decions in life. Sometimes other people need to go through those situations to so they can see what its like for their self.

deja.d said...

i like the guy who came because he really explained the consequences of just hanging out with a friend can be.

Jada said...
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Lindsay T. said...

I believe that by listening to other people tell their tragic stories to an audience to prevent them from making the mistakes they did says a lot. By listening to them tell me their stories it makes me think more about the choices i make on a daily basis. It helps me to make better decisions and not to do what someone else did who got seriously injuried in the end. Hearing the guys story just made me wonder and think about everything i do and it has helped not to make such wrong decisions. He has showed me that your life is way too important and valuable to yourself and others for you to just go out and do dangerous or reckless things. I think that when we have assemblies and visitors telling us their tragic stories everyone should really listen and try to learn from it, because in the end by hearing what had happened to them could change our mind about doing it and save our life or just simply save us from traumatic injuries.

kayla M. said...

I believe that listening to these speakers can really help students understand the dangers of drinking and drugs. It will make people realize how much of a bad impact it will make on their family. If you listen to the survivors, it will help you not make the same mistake. These speakers can point you to the right path.

Taylore♥ said...
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Minor, A. said...

I think in some ways it can help because the stories show how serious the risks are, and how lucky the survivors are. But I honestly don't think that the stories affect a lot of people. The majority of young people don't think something like that will happen to them, while others can relate. Everyone has to learn these lessons through their own experiences though. I was touched that they were so open about everything, and even after everything they've been through, they still look on the bright side. It inspired me to make more rational decisions, and when I make a mistake, to be strong and positive.

Breanna Batten said...

I think that it was important because it showed me more about drugs and alchahol then i alreadfy Knew

Courtney said...

I think this was a good assembly because I think it can help people who are peerpressured into doing things to think twice. I also know people want to have fun just remember the consequences before making decisions.

Jada said...

i thought this was a good assembly because the people at the assembly wanted to show us the mistakes they did and not for us to do it. They also showed a better example for us. i also thought this assembly was good because made people think about the choices they make in the future. the last reason why i liked it was because it taught me a lesson.

Taylore♥ said...

I think that hearing a person tell a story like that must have been very hard. When the speaker was saying how he lost some of his friends it makes you more cautious when your driving. I liked how they were so open to telling such a sad story like that. I think students think that this would never happen to them. They made it easier to understand their stories because they are telling from a teenage point of view.