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Thursday, November 11, 2010

thinking about schools and teachers

By the time you have reached 10th grade, you have met a lot of teachers and many ways of teaching. Think about the "best teacher" you have ever had. Without naming names, please explain what that teacher did that helped you to learn. Can we use that method for our theology class?


Andrea T said...

the best teacher i ever had made it really easy to learn. she gave notes like other teachers but they were easy to understand. we would always play review games to help us get ready for test. she was really nice and enjoyed every student. she never yelled at any one and she would always help each student with their problems

Lindsay T. said...

The best teacher that i've ever had was someone who helped every single person in the class. never got angry, or yelled, if you did something wrong she had a different way of dealing with things. She always had notes ready for us to copy each day and explained each slide carefully until we understood it. she played games with us to help our memories and gave homeworks assignments that helped also. she was a great teacher who should be appreciated more.

Rissa said...

The best teacher i ever had was my kindergarden teacher,because she never gave up on us even if we got on her nerves. I love and miss her so much.

Anonymous said...

My fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Heartney, was a good teacher. She really explained things well. She gave me good tips for tests and study guides. Mrs Heartney was also a kind person.I could talk to her about anything and she would always be willing to listen.

Quynh Nguyen said...
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Quynh Nguyen said...

My best teacher helped me alot with my problems. She tired to make easy notes for me to understand and explained to me the main points in the study guide. If I didn't understand yet, she gave me an appointment to stay after school. She tried her best to give me the excercise to review for the test. In class, she also maked the game to let me know the vocabulary in the chapter. She never yelled at any student.She is so nice. And I think we can use these method to study for theology.

ForeverNaye said...

My best teacher was in 8th grade. Throughout all my years in that school, she made up all the work that I didnt understand. She made me work hard and believe that I could do better than I thought. I struggled with math in my grade school years, and for once I passed a whole year with passing math. However, doing all the hard work eventually paid off. At the end of the year, I recieved second honors in my class.

kayla M. said...

The best teacher I ever had always made powerpoints to explain the material. She always held study sessions for people who needed extra help. She always made sure that everyone, was on he same track before moving on with the material. When a test was coming around the corner, she gave us study guides and we did flashcards in class. With all these resources and support she help me recieve a good grade at the end of the year.

Breanna Batten said...

The Best teacher I ever had was a tie between Ms. Smith and Mrs. Dalton

Shai said...

The best teacher i had always had a smile on her face even if she was having a bad day she tried her best to make sure all her students was up to date on all her assigiments she made sure that no student was left behind that was ma best ma teacher EVER!!

brianna hughes said...

The best teacher I ever had was there for anyone in my class at any time. He thought of the best projects and games that I still think are the best even to this day. He also taught us for the outside world. For an example is you never get a second chance to make a first impression. He also encouraged me to do my best.