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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Closing the semester with a good exam grade.

Can you believe it, Christmas break is over and exams are on their way. The scary thought that you NEED a good grade to pass a class fills everyones mind. When we think of exams we think of the worst possible test we could take, and bring them to the highest of tables. Stressing about exams makes them seem even harder. For me, Biology is going to be the worst. If you remember to study hard, get good sleep, and take your time and process every question, you should do fine. Talking to others about their study techniques, is a good way to work together toward your goal as a good Prendie Sophomore. How do you feel about the exams?


R. Pumphrey said...

I feel kind of nervous about the exams. i always seem to get really nervous and not do as well as i should have. This year im going to relax and take my time, ask for some guidance from God and try my best. hopefully i will do much better than freshman year. good luck everybody!

Courtney said...

I always get really nervous before exams ! but if i start studying now on the things i really need to bring my grades up in, i should be fine if I start now.

Daejaa said...

Exams are a week away , and im nervous its so much to study and when the test get in front of me I blank out , but I was always taught a testing techniques. I was taught to not take a long time on one questions dont get caught up and stuck if you dont know it come back and do the process of elimation. I really hope I do well, the studying part can be the hardest! I think this because sometimes I don't know what to study , this can be difficult. Overall , I hope I do good ! :)

Quynh Nguyen said...

Actually,I'm scared about the exams; especially are biology and geometry.It's so much things to learn and also takes me a long time to remember everything.And because I'm an overseas student, English is my second language,so I have to spend a lot of hour to translate and review everything that I had in class before to make sure that I can understand.The exams also make me confuse and nervous, because that are the big test of the semester. I really hope I can do well on it to bring my grades up. I will study hard for the exams !!!

D. Solomon =) said...

I think exams could be a good thing and a bad thing. They could be good because they help test you to see where you are in the middle of the year, but they could be bad because they can bring your grades down! Im really trying not to stress over these exams but it's just to much jammed packed at one time. And i don't think it's fair how we have to come to school that friday after exams, ever other school got off the day after our exams and we have to come and sit here and do what? Not a thing !

ForeverNaye said...

I think exams are a good time to bring up your test before grades go out. But at the same time you have to make yourself buckle down and study. Especially with biology and world history when you have to try to remember all the material that you learned in the beginning of the year. It just sometimes seems impossible. But as long as you try your best and do all the studying you can, there is a good possibility that you can pass.