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Friday, January 7, 2011


You know how people don't like you for stupid reasons? Thats really dumb. I've been told that people don't like people because they smile to much or TALK to much! I think thats really ridiculous. Mainly because you may not even know the person or where they come from. So like they say "YOU CAN'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER"


McKinney C. said...

People, as in everyone at some point in his or her life "Judge someone" before really knowing that persons true character. I am saying everyone as in myself included. People look at what a person is wearing, or what a person does in a wrong way, rather then a unique way that shows them as an individual person. No one person is the same, which means someone isn't going to like at least one thing that person does. Not everyone liked the things God did, but he still did what he came here to do.

Breanna Batten said...

I hate being talked about and talking about people. Im talked about all the time for being different and I hear people say that I am going to make voodoo dolls of them because I just pretend that no one exists and shun my emotions but the truth is i dont care about them and they need to get out of my bubble.

Shai said...

You shouldnt judge a book by its cover...i heard that before well you shouldnt go around dislike people u shouldnt have to change your self if they call you their friend then they should love you even if you smile or laugh to much..It shoudnt madder to then if they are not helping you then you shouldnt be around them because they are not your real friends!!When you find real friends you'll no because they will like you for you!!

Andrea T said...

I Don't think it's right to talk about people that way. Even if you don't like them you should at least be nice around them. I think it's really rude when people do that because it could be your friend there talking about. When i hear people talk about my friends it makes be think how wrong they are because they don't know my friends like i do. I wouldn't want people talking about me so i wouldn't go around talking about other people.

Lindsay T. said...

I agree completely with Claudine's comment. Everyone at one point has judged a person just on their appearance. I myself have done it before and then in the end after i got to know the person, everything i thought before about them was completely wrong. I think that when people make fun of others or judge them before even knowing them is wrong because you dont know what that person might be going through or even if thats just their personality. Like Claudine said, no body is the same! We all have our differences and thats what some people don't uinderstand. I think people should really learn not to be so mean and look at the good things about people.

Sabrina Marie said...

this is so true people say they hate or don't like some one before they even get to know the person. you can't decide whether you like a person or not, based on if they talk alot or look different from you. What if God had the same attitude? I'm sure you wouldn't like it very much if u felt like He disliked you for a dumb reason or even no reason at all. You never know the person that you say "talks to much" may have somethi8ng interesting or important to say that might apply to you. You can't judge a person on simple things. Not every one is going to act, look or even talk like you but does that mean you have to show them any less respect? NO it doesnt. We are all here in this school together some for another 2 years the least we could do is include everybody in everything no matter what their difference of opinion is. We are all human no one is better than another therefore we should treat on another like it.

Meaghan said...

I agree 100% with everyone. I try to never judge anyone on their outside appears or how their attitude may be to other people. I try to take into consideration that maybe that person might have problems at home or with social skills.

Kaaayyy said...

People are always gonna judge someone by looks , by how you act. Girls are always the meanest of them all when it comes to judging others. God , i think is going to give these situtaions to see if someone is going to slap you on your right cheek , you have to show them your left. Meaning do not fight back with them. If they are going to say rude and harsh things let them say it. They might have low selfesteem and are trying to but you down so them seem better then you. My mom used to say this to me and i always thought thats so first grade. But in personal situtations i have gone through during my freshmen year in high school also that it really is true.. People always want to come out better then others. Sadly this is true and we have to learn to stay away from that. Let people say things about you. But don't talk back or talk about them behind their backs. That only makes you as low as they are.

brianna hughes said...

I don't think its right to judge people on their looks. I personally have judge people who I know now are not the way I have judged them at all they are totally the opposite. Some of my closet friends have judged me and we laugh because after they actually met me we became great friends. I think this is just a horrible habit that needs to stop. I try now to really get to know a person before I make any judgement because that's the way a person should be treated.

Jada said...

I really dislike when people dont like you for no reason. Most of the time people don't like when they don't even know nothing about you but just your name or just because they heard things about you that probably wasn't true. I think that everyone should really get to know you before they say that they don't like you. I really dislike when people don't like you because of the way look, dress,talk and etc. Before i say i Don't like somone i always think of the saying don't judge a book by it's cover.

Daejaa said...

The saying "you can't judge a book by it's cover" is so true! I hate people who just go by looks and automatically think they don't / won't like that person just because their different or don't meet up to their standards. It's mostly with girl not saying boys don't judge but girls do it more often. I think that the people that are different are unique and can help you at times. I hate when im with people & they say without even knowing the person , it can be random as being on the bus making comments about the way the person look , talk , or dress. I just feel that if you talk to that person or know where there coming from sometimes they can be a cool person!

deja.d said...

i dont think its fair when a group of people see some walking pass them and feel the need say something ignorant about them. its obvious that they have no clue who that person was but they feel the need to laugh or joke about what they have on or look like. thats how fights and arguements start. most people dont care though, they just have to be mean! i dislike when someone tries to talk you down. for example joke about what you look like and not in a playful way in a mean and hurtful way. i think that if yu have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all!!!

ForeverNaye said...

"You Can't Judge A Book By It's Cover" How many times have we all heard that in our like. When people judge others by not even holding a conversation with them is ridiculous. Some people might not like a person for the way they dress, or who they hang out with. Why should you care who they hang out with if your not the one hanging out with them , that shouldn't matter. If you don't know a person or if you just don't like that person off of what you heard about them is just not a good reason for saying you don't like them. If you don't like them at least have a reasonable excuse.