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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Have you ever lost some one close to you? That person may have seemed invincible but next thing you know they are gone. This doesn't have to mean that they died but have you ever lost a friend that was very close to you that moved away? or lost something that was very important to you? Most times you don't realize what you have until its gone....so apprieciate what you have and who you have because you don't know how long you will have it.


Kaaayyy said...

I have lost someone that ment a lot to me.Not by a death but in a friendship. This person was my best friend. It hurts to think i don't see them all time or don't get to talk to them. But i knew God put them in my life for a reason. Even though we don't see or talk as much that person did change me into a better person. "People walk in and out of our lives , but only some leave footprints on our hearts. " that person did leave me with great memories i know i could never have with anyone else. I would never change that for the world. Just when you do lose someone wheither it be a death or just in a friendship you need to look at the goodtimes because they are the only things that are going to help you get over it. If you ever see them again you will always have 1000 stories to tell them . (:

McKinney C. said...

Last year, My friend was a Senior at Bonner and it was all good. Nothing was going on between him and I, we were just very close in a good friendship that I thought would never end. During the summer, he was preparing for college and I didnt talk to him much, and he formed a reltionship that I thought would just give me another friend and allow us to all hang out together. Well, girls get jealous for no reason. I send him letters here and there around every holiday, but eventually I am beginning to realize its all going away. He's a freshmen at Millersville College and I miss him so much. The quote you dont know what you've got til it's gone is true beyond words. But like Kayla said, there has to be a reason why God took him out of my life. ♥

Anonymous said...

My best friend and i used to do everything together. I could talk to her about anything. We were both planning on going to Prendie together, but her parents got divorced and she moved to deleware.I havent talked to her since our eigth grade graduation but i hope to reconnect with her someday.

brianna hughes said...

Over the summer my grade school computer teacher passed away. It was very unexpected because he was so young. Now we never were close but he showed me that I can't take things for granted. For example I can't just be like it doesn't matter if I go to bed after being in a fight with my parents because we can resolve it tomorrow. Well how can we be sure if someone you truly love will be here tomorrow. We don't even know if will be here tomorrow. So my teacher taught me a great lesson that I have to live everyday like it's my last because one day it will.

R. Pumphrey said...

i have lost someone speacial to me before. it was someone that was very close to my heart. My grandmother always tells me, "things happen for a reason." Maybe it wasn't in Gods plans for that person to be in your life. You have to move on and live life like there's no tomorrow.:)

Courtney said...

Yes I have lost someone. I have lost my grandpop when i wasnt even born yet. It was my dads side of the family. But im so disapointed because i never got to meet him and im sure he could of been the best gradfather, because my dad is the best dad (: But then again maybe God took him for a reason.

Daejaa said...

I have had someone that was very close to me move away. We were best friends for 4years , and in our 5th grade year she told me that after we graudate she would be moving to Arizona! I was thinking this wasnt true , i asked why so far ? And she told me that her father had found a good job out there , and pays really well. I guess that you have to do what you have to do , she was so angry that she was moving I was to. We lost contact a little before she left phildelphia. I wish I wouldve payed our friendship more attention & took it serious and apprieciate it now I realized how I lost a good friendship that i miss .

D. Solomon =) said...

Yea, i lost someone close to me. It killed me to know that they wasn't going to be a part of my boring life any more. I started a new year with out the person i really wanted to start it with. I never knew what i really had intill they were gone, but i think we had our good and bad times and all i have left of that person is a memory ! but im going to let that person's memories be the best thin that i have left of them....

Rissa said...

That is a very true statement :cherish what you have before it's gone". It's a very good true and good thing to follow. Like you have a bf Like him or Love him before he's gone. Or with your family LOVE THEM WITH ALL YOUR HEART!!!!! DON'T LET THEM SLIP AWAY

Minor, A. said...

I've lost many friends. Ive learned not to take advantage of good things while you still have them, because nothing is forever. I also learned that even when you dont take advantage, others do. Just because you love and appreciate someone doesn't mean that they are gonna appreciate you. So, I definitely always try not to take what I have for granted. I learned that goodbyes are never easy, but always necessary and that it's not goodbye, but see you later.